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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Version 0.1.1 released

Version 0.1.1 of PhotoFlow is out!

Here is the complete changelog:

  • Added file name widget to RAW loader dialog. This allows to edit multiple RAW files simultaneously in the same image.
  • Added digital watermarking tool based on G'MIC "watermark_fourier" filter (thanks +Morgan Hardwood for suggesting this). A tutorial about this new tool will soon be posted on this blog.
  • Modified Hue/saturation and brightess/contrast tools to work correctly also in Lab colorspace.
  • Fixed computation of saturation adjustment. Now the saturation slider produces exactly the same output as the equivalent tool in GIMP (except that computations are in 32-bits floating point precision and are applied non-destructively). Internally, the hue/saturation tool now works in the HSL colorspace like GIMP (instead of the HSV colorspace used before).
  • Moved "RAW developer" tool into "Load" tab and removed "raw" tab.
  • Moved "Color profle conversion" tool into "Color" tab and removed "conv" tab.
  • Quality of Jpeg output set to "100".

Updated Windows and OSX installers are available from the usual downloads page.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

First screencasts showing the basic usage of PhotoFlow layers and batch processing

I have started to record screencasts to show the basic usage of photoflow as well as specific editing techniques. The first three videos are available from youtube.

Basic usage of layers and layer masks

This first video basically shows:
- how to open a RAW file and process the RAW data to produce an initial RGB image
- how to increase the global and local contrast in the mid-tones using luminosity masks
- how to crop the image with a fixed aspect ratio
- how to edit a radial gradient to add some vignetting effect

That was probably not my best edit ever, but it should give a reasonable idea of how to perform the basic editing steps and what kind of real-time speed one can expect from the current version of photoflow. Concerning speed, you will notice that the loading and initial processing of the RAW image takes quite long. That is because full-resolution data is being cached during this time, to speed-up the rest of the processing. I hope to make the whole thing a lot faster in future, but I'm presently concentrating on usability and stability more than speed optimizations.

 Pseudo-HDR with PhotoFlow and Enfuse

The first video shows:
- how to save the RAW processing parameters as a preset and than use the preset to batch-convert a group of RAW files to TIFF.
- how to align and exposure-blend a group of bracketed images using align_image_stack+enfuse.

The second video describes as simple de-ghosting technique, which required less than 5 minutes of editing. Along the editing, you will see how to draw with the freehand painting tool directly on a layer mask.

The batch-processing is for the moment only fully supported under linux.